Whether the Trade Union be denied registration by the Registrar?
On behalf of the Registrar it is said that he came to the conclusion on the facts before him that this Union was really the I.G.N. Union under a different name. The I.G.N. Union had been declared to be an unlawful Association. Therefore he was justified in refusing to register this Union.
The Court discussed the following:
The office of the Registrar of Trade Unions is one created by the Statute of 1926 and the functions which the Registrar has to perform are prescribed by that Act.
The functions are laid down in S. 8. The Registrar on being satisfied that the Trade Union has complied with all the requirements of this Act in regard to registration shall register the Trade Union. Then the prescribed form is set out. The new Union may or may not be a continuation of the other Union or its successor. Whether the new Union is or is not the same as, or successor to the old Union, depends on evidence. Until further evidence is forthcoming it would be impossible to say whether the new Union is or not the same as the old Union or the successor to the old Union.
The duties of the Registrar were to examine the application and to look at the objects for which the Union was formed. If those objects were objects set out in the Act, and if those objects did not go outside the objects prescribed in the Act and if all the requirements of the Act, and the regulations made thereunder had been complied with it was his duty to register the Union.
If at some time that Union is deemed by those who have the power to deal with the matter to be an unlawful association within S. 16, Criminal Law Amendment Act, this Union can be proscribed as an unlawful association in the same way as any other body.
It was held that the appeal should be allowed and the matter should be sent back to the Registrar for him to consider the question as to whether the requirements of the Act, and the regulations made thereunder, with regard to registration, have been complied with, or not. If, on the face of the application, the objects and the provisions for carrying them out are within what is allowed by the Act and the requirements as to registration have been complied with, he should register; if not, he should decline to register.